Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Finally moved and getting settled

I finally moved home at the end of April. The trip took me around 42 hours total as I only managed to sleep for 4-5 hours the entire time. I attempted to sleep for an hour in a McDonalds parking lot in Albuquerque New Mexico, then woke up and drove another 4 hours to Amarillo Texas where I managed to get around 3-4 hours of sleep in another McDonalds parking lot the first night. I woke up around 4:30 am and powered the rest of the way home arriving around 2am California time.

The drive wasn't actually that bad. I lost around 3 hours due to construction/accidents and I didn't have any car break downs so I couldn't really ask for much more. The drive was around 2200 miles but was kinda fun. I drove through snow in Flagstaff Arizona, got sleeted on before Albuquerque and then got rained on most of the second day driving through Oklahoma and Missouri. Arizona and New Mexico are just baron and a vast nothingness but it starts to get green around the middle of Oklahoma again. I got a chance to catch up on conversations with a few people on the drive back so that was great also.

Last week was my first week being back in northern Indiana in about 6 years. It's nice being back in my home area. I am realizing how much I missed the lake's. I am excited to get back into fishing within the next month or so. Hanging out on the lake is also coming up and should be fun and provide some random entertainment for me as well.

It's nice how laid back and slow paced everything is here. I lived in Indy after college then moved out to San Diego and I feel like I can finally get a foothold established somewhere and slow things down for awhile. One of the great benefits of playing poker online is that I can do it virtually anywhere I can get a good internet connection.

Short term I am looking to get a few personal things taken care of and get settled in and embrace the idea of possibly living in the area for an extended period of time. It sounds weird to say it but it's nice to be able to choose where you want to live and not be forced by job, family or other obligations. After living in the city then on the West Coast I feel like I could really enjoy the lakes area and can see myself sticking around, getting a small lake house or something practical and just kick back, play poker, travel and enjoy life.

Cheers to the upcoming summer and always having fun no matter what life throws my way! Oh and I finally got back into the green yesterday so winning money is always a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. man, i moved from CA 6 months ago and hope to moved back soon. Play good and good luck!!!!
