Last night I hungout with my cousin for the evening, since I will be moving soon. He has always been like a brother to me so we always have a good time hanging out and just doing whatever.
My roommate met up with us and invited us to amateur night at Crackers Comedy club as his sister was going to perform. Now, I'll admit I was not thrilled at the idea as my perception of amateur night was one of terrible jokes and not a fun time at all. I couldn't have been further from the truth, maybe I was a little partial since I knew a couple of the people performing but I had a surprisingly good time. My roommates sister did a fantastic job and really impressed me with her stage presence and comfort ability on stage.
I am also going to start going to comedy clubs on a regular basis as there were 20-30 HOT girls there with friends. I can only imagine this can lead to fun and interesting times in the future. This may be a somewhat less beaten down and easier path to picking up girls as well, as they are already having fun laughing and drinking (Ship the 2 drink minimum) and almost always go out right after to continue drinking since the comedy is done around 10 pm or so.
Anyways, I run home real quick and go back out to meet my roommate, roommates sister and her group of friends and the shots commence. I start drinking and talking with a couple of the (real) comedians that were there and discussing life on the road etc and learned a few interesting things about being a comedian. One being that you don't make very much money and you drive/travle A LOT. Two, you don't hook up with as many random girls at the club as I thought you would if you were a comedian. I mean girls like funny guys right, well.....these guys both agreed that the girls are interested for awhile but most of the time you just entertain them for an hour or two then they go hook up with someone else. These weren't two bad looking guys either, so I learned something new last night, in regards to comedy.
Also during this time my roommate had wandered over to the other side of the bar and started hitting on this, at the time I thought biggish girl. He comes back and I make him aware of his poor taste in girls to which he calls me a few names and tells me we can step outside if we need too blah blah, and I respond "I'll fight you but I don't wanna fight her, she would kick my ass". He is not pleased with this and shoves me and I spill Jaeger bomb all down my shirt and jeans and now look like I am newly lactating mother, which somehow ended up making for good conversation later with some girls.
Then, the decision is made to leave. On our way I overhear an odd discussion along the lines of "Can you see them, really?" "No, well kinda yeah". Me being the opportunist that I am, turn around and make some joke about secrets secrets and then Chloe Kardasian (Not really but looked alot like her, except skinnier and prettier, which I later brought up to this girl and she took it as a huge compliment) asks about her friends boobs and her friend asks if I can tell if she is wearing a bra, me being the......connesoueir if you will, immediettly respond with "No and you look very pretty in that dress". This conversation then turns into Chloe asking if I can see her friends nipples to which I insta-respond, yes, as it was a little chilly last night. Then, said bra-less, pretty nipple bearing girl says that she has band aids on to cover them up, but not just one, she says three. I ask if this is really true, she says yes and that she would show me but doesn't want to risk flashing me in public, I run so bad sometimes I swear.
Anyways, we all end up at the next bar and a few people are dancing and others have spread out and are getting hit on by guys. I'm just hanging out having a good time and then bring up that this girl looks like Chloe Kardasian, she is flattered and has to tell all her friends that I said that of course. We all talk/flirt for a few minutes etc and then its pretty much time to go home. I should end up seeing these girls and having a good time again before I move.
Unfortunatley I got just drunk enough to be hungover most of the day so far. I've only gotten in ~1200 hands and shipped a couple buyins. I only have ~6500 hands done for the month (shooting for 300k) and only have around 70k in 10 days for the challenge with Vanguard.
Prop bets I have going on this month:
100k hands pool (12 people I think)-$100/person
250k hands with Goosefrabba-$200
Most buyins per level total with Joey-$100
200 or 250k hands with Joey also-$100
I don't really expect to lose any of these nor make a bunch off these because everyone involved is very committed. I am looking forward to the extra motivation this month and really pushing myself before the big move.